In all my work I seek exploration of and dialogue about alternatives. While I do not generally try to imagine or project a utopia which then guides action, I do try to find alternative pathways within the past and present that could plausibly lead to a different and better future. For some examples, see:
Strike! original 1972 edition, Chapter 9, “From Mass Strike to New Society.”
“Socialism is What You Make It” in Steve Rosskamm Shalom, ed., Socialist Visions (Boston, South End Press, 1983).
Review of The Living Building
Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello, “Labor and Community: Converging Programs” and “Labor-Community Coalitions and the Restructuring of Power,” in Building Bridges.
Common Sense for Hard Times, especially Part 4 “Action.”
Global Village or Global Pillage, Chapter 9, “Reversing the Race to the Bottom.”
Globalization from Below Chapter 6 “A World to Win – for What?” and Chapter 7, “Draft of a Global Program.”
Save the Humans?
Global Sustainable Development resolution