February 27, 2015
Streaming Video of “Global Village or Global Pillage?”
Featuring: Ralph Nader, Charles Kerneghan, Thea Lee, Loretta Ross, Dennis Brutus.
Global Village or Global Pillage? shows constructive ways ordinary people around the world are addressing the impact of globalization on their communities, workplaces, and environments. It weaves together video of local and transnational activities, interviews, music, and original video comics to show that, through grassroots organizing combined with mutual support around the world, ordinary people can empower themselves to deal with the global economy.
Click here to download a free pdf copy of Global Village.
THE RACE TO THE BOTTOM: Today’s global economy lets corporations pit workers and communities against each other to see who will provide the lowest wages, most abusable workers, cheapest environmental costs, and biggest subsidies for corporations.
COMBATTING SWEATSHOPS: The campaigns to pressure corporations to establish basic standards in their workplaces around the world. The campaign which led the Gap to establish a code of conduct with independent monitoring. The 1999 student sit-ins for a livable wage for those who make university licensed clothing.
WORKERS HELPING WORKERS: As corporations go global, workers in different parts of the world are increasingly giving support to each other. Workers in Japan, Latin America, and Europe pressured Bridgestone/Firestone to rehire locked out workers in the United States.
RESISTING GLOBAL OPPRESSION: The global economy is largely governed by highly undemocratic international institutions, but people are learning new ways to control them.
Local people in India, with support from environmentalists around the world, blocked a huge dam that would destroy their homes and livelihood. Religious groups around the world have forced governments to start canceling the crushing debt of the poorest countries. Activists in 70 countries joined to block a new “Multilateral Agreement on Investment” that would have given global corporations power over national governments. Unions and allies are campaigning to include basic human and labor rights in international trade agreements.
REVERSING THE RACE TO THE BOTTOM: Through grassroots organizing combined with mutual support around the world, ordinary people are beginning to find ways to counter the race to the bottom.
- “What’s Next In Debate On Globalization” (Brecher and Smith) from Advertising Age
- “The Road From Seattle” (Brecher, Costello, and Smith) from Z Magazine
- “WTO No Help To Chinese Workers” (Brecher and Smith) from The Baltimore Sun
- “Score One For The Little Guys In Expanding Global Arena” (Brecher and Smith) from The Los Angeles Times
- “The Global Sustainable Development Resolution” (Brecher and Smith) from In Focus
- “Our New Financial Architecture and Theirs” (Brecher, Costello, and Smith) from Z Magazine
- “The Global Sustainable Development Resolution” (Brecher and Smith) from Z Magazine
- “You Mean There’s an Alternative?” (Brecher and Smith) from Z Magazine
Click here for a list of Magazines dealing with globalization.
- 50 Years is Enough Network Coalition of US groups to reform the WB and IMF; linked to groups in 50 countries. 1247 E St., SE, Washington, DC 20003, (202)463-2265. wb50years@igc.apc.org
- AFL-CIO Federation of US labor unions representing 13.6 million workers 815 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, (202)637-5000
- Alliance for Responsible Trade Broad-based coalition promoting trade alternatives and international cooperation among activists. 733 15th St., NW, Suite 920, Washington DC, 20006, (202) 347-4100
- American Friends Service Committee Quaker peace and social justice organization working on globalization issues. 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215)241-7180 afscinfo@afsc.org
- Canadian Labor Congress Federation of majority of Canadian labor unions; publishes “Morning NAFTA,” a newsletter on economic integration. 2841 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, Ontario K1V8X7, Canada, (613) 526-7434
- Center for Concern Catholic research and educational organization promoting just international trade and finance systems. 1225 Otis St., NE, Washington, DC 20017, (202)635-2757 coc@igc.org
- Citizens Trade Campaign Coalition of environmental, labor, family farm, consumer and religious organization promoting sustainable trade policy. 215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202)546-4996
- Coalition for Justice at the Maquiladoras Coalition of religious, environmental, labor, latin and women’s orgainization working for economic justice within the maquiladora industry. 530 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX, 78228, (210)732-8957 cjm@igc.apc.org
- Corporate Watch Monitors transnational corporations’ social, ecological and economic practices PO Box 29344, San Francisco, CA 94129, (415)561-6567
- Council for Canadians Member organization with more than 100,000 members devoted to advancing trade and economic alternatives. 904-251 Laurier Ave., West, Ottawa, Ontario K1P5J6 Canada, (613)233-2773 inquiries@canadians.org
- Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity Promotes solidarity between citizens in the US and Mexico. PO Box 45753, Kansas City, MO 64171, (816)561-0125 xborder@oz.sunflower.org
- Development Gap Research, resource and networking organization addresssing structural adjustment and trade liberalization issues. 927 15th St., NW, 4th floor, Washington, DC, (202)898-1566 dgap@igc.org
- Economic Policy Institute Publishes reports, books and list-serves on international and domestic economic issues. 1660 L. St., NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC, 20036, (202)775-8810 epi@epinet.org
- Friends of the Earth International environmental group with extensive programs devoted to globalization. 1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20005, (202)783-7400 foe@foe.org
- Global Exchange Human rights group dedicated building international coalitions around issues of labor, women’s, environmental rights. 2017 Mission St., Rm. 303, San Francisco, CA 94110, (415)255-7296 info@globalexchange.org
- Get Good Jobs FirstNational clearinghouse for organizations seeking to hold corporations that get tax subsidies accountable for creating living-wage jobs. 1311 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20005, (202)626-3780 goodjobs@ctj.org
- Highlander Research and Education Center Creates educational experiences that empower people to take democratic leadership towards fundamental social change. 1959 Highlander Way, New Market, TN 37820, (423)933-3443 hrec@igc.org
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Conducts research, education, training, and coalition-building in support of environmentally and economically sustainable agriculture and trade policy. 2105 First Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55404, (612)870-0453 iatp@igc.org
- Institute for Policy Studies Independent center for progressive research and education; includes projects on global economy and peace and security studies. 733 15th St., NW, Suite 1020, Washington, DC 20005, (202)234-9382 ipscomm@igc.org
- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility North American association of religious institutional investors. 457 Riverside Drive, Suite 550, New York, NY 10115, (212)870-2295 info@iccr.org
- International Forum on Globalization Engages participants from 40 countries to carry out public education and research on the global economy. 1555 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109, (415)771-3394 ifg@ifg.org
- Jubilee 2000 International movement to cancel developing countries’ debts. 222 E. Capitol St., NE, Washington, DC 20003, (202)783-3566 coord@j2000usa.org
- Latin America Working Group Coaltion of groups working on US policy towards Latin America 110 Maryland Ave., NE, Box 15, Washington, DC 20003, (202)546-7017
- National Labor Committee Uses popular campaigns to promote labor rights and pressure companies to adhere to international standards. 275 7th Ave., New York, NY 10001, (212)242-3002 tnlc@erols.com
- Preamble Center for Public Policy Research and education group focusing on domestic and international economic issues, including the MAI and IMF. 1737 21st St., NW, Washington, DC 20009, (202)265-3263 preamble@rtk.net
- Public Citizen/Global Trade Watch Education and lobby group fighting for better international trade and investment policies. 215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20001, (202)546-4996 gtwinfo@citizen.org
- Sierra Club National environmental group with programs in trade and globalization. 85 2nd St.,2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415)977-5500 information@sierraclub.org
- United For a Fair Economy Popular education and research group working to reduce inequality. 37 Temple Pl., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02111, (617)423-2148
- United Students Against Sweatshops Coalition of student activist groups fighting for labor, environmental, and women’s rights both in the US and abroad.
- Women’s Edge Coalition for women’s economic development and global equality. 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20009, (202)884-8396 www.womensedge.org, edge@womensedge.org
MAGAZINES TO READ (Many of the groups listed above also have periodicals)
- Co-op America Publishes “Boycott Action News,” listing current corporate boycotts 1612 K St., NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20006, 1-800-058-GREEN info@coopamerica.org
- Dollars and $ense Magazine Bimonthly publication addressing issues surrounding US and international economic. One Summer Street, Somerville, MA 02143, (617)628-8411 dollars@igc.org
- Ecologist Bimonthy magazine covering issues of globalization from an environmental perspective Unit 18 Chealsea Wharf, 15 Lots Road London, Sw10 OQJ, United Kingdom (0171)351-3578 ecologist@gn.apc.org
- Interconnect Quarterly newsletter encouraging movement building and resource sharing with in the U.S.-Latin American solidarity community. 57 Main St., Pittsford, NY 14534, (716)381-5606
- Interhemispheric Resource Center Published issue briefs on foreign policy and globalization issues 815 Black Street., PO Box 2178 Silver City, NM 88062, (505)388-0208 resourcectr@igc.apc.org
- Multinational MonitorMonthly magazine exposing actions of global corporations PO Box 19405, Washington, DC 20036, (202)387-8030
- Resource Center of the AmericasPublishes bimonthly newsletter on labor solidarity in the Americas. 317 17th St., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, (612)627-9455