When tens of thousands of protestors brought the World Trade Organization in Seattle to a halt in November 1999, it marked the “coming out party” for a new global movement. Trade unionists, environmentalists, students, women’s rights groups, and human rights advocates demanded an alternative to “globalization from above.” As Newsweek commented, “There are now two visions of globalization on offer, one led by commerce, one by social activism.”How can this emerging movement realize its vision? In Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity, Brecher, Costello, and Smith draw on the history of past movements and their own experience as activists to propose strategies for building this powerful coalition into a successful movement for global democratization.
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“Neophyte or social movement veteran, you need this succinct guide to avoid the pitfalls, ambushes, and ordinary stupidity ready to waylay the well-meaning activitst. Thanks to Brecher, Costello, and Smith, we can put winning strategies in their place. We may even get it right this time-and, believe me, this time, it’s urgent. Bravo.”
—Susan George
Globalization from Below is a concise and very readable book that assists the reader in understanding the ‘new world order’ and its impact on society.
—Edward Asner
This lean, thoughtful, and incisive book examines the most important political question raised by the advent of globalization: will the growth of a broad grassroots protest movement grow, succeed in entering the political lists, and transform the corporate-led global agenda. A must read for political activists.”
—Professor Frances Fox Piven, City University of New York
While the media portrays anti-corporate protesters as everything from protectionists to wacko Luddites, the authors of Globalization from Below clearly show that our movement is a profoundly humane response to a global economic system gone awry. Their Global Program articulates what we are for—democratic decision-making, fair distribution of wealth, environmental sustainability—and how we can continue to weld and strengthen the disparate pieces of this emerging international grassroots movement. Globalization from Below gives us direction for turning the tide of the global economy from one that lifts all yachts to one that truly lifts all boats.”
—Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder of Global Exchange
Since the 1980s, Brecher, Costello, and Smith have been cutting through the global babble to show us, concretely, how the world economy was being reorganized. A lot of us didn’t like what we saw. Now these prescient author/organizers are helping us think clearly, and again concretely, about how we can stick together (not just huddle together) to create a more humane globalization from below.”
—Barbara Garson, author of Money Makes the World Go Around
“This is cutting edge stuff. Essential reading for all who want to know how the world is changing in our time and how to be involved in shaping that change. A worldwide social movement has emerged. It is important to know how it came about and what it seeks to do. Globalization from Below, like Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello’s Global Village of Global Pillage, does an excellent and precise job. Exhilarating reading! Get involved in creating a new just world.”
—Denis Brutus, Professor Emeritus, Africana Studies Department, University of Pittsburgh
When tens of thousands of protestors brought the World Trade Organization in Seattle to a halt in November 1999, it marked the “coming out party” for a new global movement. Trade unionists, environmentalists, students, women’s rights groups, and human rights advocates demanded an alternative to “globalization from above.” As Newsweek commented, “There are now two visions of globalization on offer, one led by commerce, one by social activism.”
How can this emerging movement realize its vision? In Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity, Brecher, Costello, and Smith draw on the history of past movements and their own experience as activists to propose strategies for building this powerful coalition into a successful movement for global democratization.
Jeremy Brecher is the author of ten books on labor and social movements, including the labor history classic Strike! recently published in an updated and revised edition by South End Press. He has co-authored two previous books on globalization: Global Visions and Global Village or Global Pillage.
Tim Costello has been a truck driver, workplace activist, and union representative. He is currently director of the Massachusetts Campaign on Contingent Work. He has co-authored several previous books with Brecher, including Building Bridges and Global Village or Global Pillage.
Brendan Smith served as senior legislative aide to Congressman Bernie Sanders (Independent, Vermont) specializing in economics, international labor rights, child labor, and related issues. He is currently preparing a study of labor rights in Export-Processing Zones.
Brecher, Costello, and Smith co-produced the video Global Village or Global Pillage? narrated by Edward Asner.
154 pages
ISBN 0-89608-622-4 paper $13.00
ISBN 0-89608-623-2 cloth $40.00
World rights available. Contact South End Press.