As part of my tenure as Humanities Scholar-in-Residence at Connecticut Public Television and Radio, I was producer, writer, and host of Connecticut Public Radio’s Remembering Connecticut, which broadcast of approximately 100 radio programs on a wide variety of Connecticut history topics, of those the following 95 have been digitized:
The segments here have been sorted into major categories of Connecticut history, identity, activity, and concern. Many segments could fit in more than one category, therefore each has been assigned to the category that seemed most relevant. As not all of the titles for each segment are descriptive of the content covered each segment title is followed by a few terms relating to the topics covered in the segment.
Remembering Connecticut
The Glacier and Its Effects: ecology, geology, natural resources, industry, economy
Connecticut’s Ecology Transformed: natural resources, economy, industry, Narragansett Tribe
Canaan Mountain: conservation, reforestation, industry, climate change
Great Mountain Forest: Forestry Schools, reforestation, industry, ecology, conservation
Where Did the Fish Go?: industry, conservation, environmental action, economics, social impact
Radioactive Fallout in Your Kids’ Teeth?: Cold War, nuclear warfare, strontium 90, environmental impact, public health
A Flight Across Connecticut: pollution, environment, geography, settlement, conservationism, military impact
How Connecticut Got Its State Forests: deforestation, forestry reform, conservation, Connecticut Forestry Association, State Parks and Forestry Commission
The Evil of Stream Pollution: environmental movement, industry, public health, public works, disease theory
When Did DEEP Start?: pollution, State Water Commission, environmental movement, industry, economy, public health
Early Recycling: supplemental income, public health, sustainability
Industrial Waste:pollution, Connecticut Water Commission, public health, legislation, Resources Recovery Authority
Solid Waste: disposal, regulation, pollution, environmental movement, recycling
Pollution: industry, solid waste, garbage collection, environmental movement, recycling
Indigenous Persons
Ancient Indigenous Settlements: economy, agriculture, tools, burials, artifacts
The Pequot War: Right of Conquest, John Mason, Pequot, Mohegan, Narragansett
Scatechoke Persons relation to Settlers in Their Area: cultural preservation, industry, assimilation, Indian Affairs Council
Botanical Traditions: herbal medicine, conservation, traditional ecological knowledge, gathering
African Americans
James Mars: A Slave in Connecticut: fugitive slaves, emancipation, regional practices, autobiographies
Prudence Crandall: female education, African American education, Sarah Harris, Quakers
The Amistad Affair: slavery, piracy, politics, Christian missionaries, human exhibitions
James Mars: emancipation, autobiographies, slavery, racism, politics
Concern: A Party: racial integration, 20th century, civil rights, white privilege, beatniks
From Africa to Connecticut: slavery, domestic work, social societies, emancipation, backlash
The Black Fight for Black Rights: voting rights, segregation, racial discrimination, 19th century
Soldiers Without Rights: abolishment of slavery, civil war, American Colonization Society, 29th Connecticut Infantry Volunteers
The Restrictive Covenant in Branford: segregation, African American rights, housing, racism, emigration
Race Matters in Branford: racism, segregation, African American rights, freighting, 20th century
Making Branford’s Black Community: segregation, St. Stephen’s African Methodist Zion Church, race relations, African American rights, leadership
St. Stephens: Breaking Down Racial Barriers in Branford: race relations, community relations, segregation, discrimination
Tracked!: education, discrimination, racism, loss of opportunity, earning potential
The French-Canadians in Connecticut: cultural preservation, religion, textiles, Quebecois, Société de Baptiste
Immigrant Mutual Aid: cultural preservation, economics, 19th century, ethnic societies, politics
Italians in Connecticut: cultural preservation, racism, social societies, genealogy, mutual aid
Chain Migration and Connecticut’s Ethnic Communities: 19th and 20th century, social societies, mutual aid, cultural preservation
350th Anniversary of New Haven and Its Jewish Community: cultural societies, community relations, ethnic diversity, racism
Putting Down Roots in Connecticut: economy, contract labor, mutual aid, Native Americans
Chinese in Connecticut: racism, cultural preservation, Exclusion Act, social societies, integration, gender roles
Immigrant Protest: Sacco Vanzetti trial, discrimination, socialism, Agents of the Bureau of Investigation, solidarity
Bootstrapped to Connecticut: Puerto Rico, chain migration, economy, contract labor, mutual aid
Waterbury’s Puerto Rican Community: chain migration, social societies, cultural preservation, contract labor
St. Cecilia’s Church: New Comers Haven: Catholics, Poles, Puerto Ricans, community
Puerto Rican Jobs: 20th century, contract labor, discrimination, industrial decline, racism
Labor and Economy
A People on the Move: The Great Migration Out of Connecticut 1760-1850: land ownership, Congregational Church, Continental Congress, agriculture
The Yankee Peddlers: folklore, manufacturing, merchants, societal values, regional culture, transportation
Catharine Beecher and Nineteenth Century Domesticity: gender roles, education, women’s work, sphere’s of influence
The Knights of Labor: industrialization, distribution of wealth, child labor, unions, workers’ rights
Home Work: women’s work, immigrants, 20th century, family wage economy, social advancement
Connecticut’s Lost Industrial Crafts: skilled manual labor, mechanization, World War I, technology
The Waterbury Mutual Aid: unemployment relief, economic depressions, federal programs, Workers’ Alliance
Fire Departments: Professional and Volunteer: civic initiatives, community responsibility, politics, insurance
The Self-Sufficient Farmer: homespun, sustainability, home industry, agriculture, subsistence economy
Milk: subsistence farming, commercialization, technology, sustainability
Ice: community, mechanization, technology, hazards, renewable energy
Seth Thomas: clockworks, craftsmen, mechanization, de-industrialization, community identity
Rural Labor Economy: contract labor, 19th and 20th century, immigrants, manufacturing, municipal jobs
Savin Rock: leisure, entertainment, technology, recreation, transportation
Sweatshops Runaway to Connecticut: unions, textile industry, immigrants, child labor, standards of life
The Teenage Girl That Unionized the Connecticut Garment Industry: strikes, textile industry, labor conditions, low wages
We Didn’t Teach Our Daughters to Sew: women’s work, textile industry, protest, unions, labor practices
Pennies From Heaven: municipal jobs, rural economy, hazards, family burden, economic depression
Military Activity
The Civil War: 16th Connecticut Volunteers Co. B, Andersonville Prison, Prisoner of War, prison conditions, Antietam, Battle of Plymouth
Connecticut Women in Industry During World War II: factory work, firearms, labor shortage, wage disparity
Connecticut’s War at Home: 20th century, industrialization, strikes, unions, politics
Advent of the Civil Defense Advisory Committee: Korean War, nuclear warfare, anti-communism, patriotism, McCarthyism
Not for Publication The Mass Burial Annex for Hartford: Appendix A: nuclear warfare, Connecticut Office of Civil Defense, action plan
Cold Warrior: Project Freedom, communism, Joseph McCarthy, patriotism
Arsenal for the Nation: Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, military contracts, weapons, ships, aircraft, demobilization, economic impact
War Production Plant: World War II, Korean War Vietnam War, Cold War, aircraft, ships, tanks, weapons, military contracts, demobilization, economic impact
Seventeenth Century Witchcraft: social conflict, discrimination, witch trials
The Rumpus at Waterbury: 18th century, American liberty, treason
The Anti-Irish Crusade: Know-Nothing Party, discrimination, voting rights, Civil War
The Fight for Women’s Suffrage: World War I, women’s rights, gender roles, workers’ rights
J. Henry Roraback: Republican Boss: electoral system, corruption, political machine, Connecticut Light and Power, 20th century
John M. Bailey: The Power Broker: political machine, Democratic Party, corruption, electoral system, 20th century
Equal Rights: Voting in Connecticut: legislative re-apportionment, voter enfranchisement, towns rights, 20th century
Re-Apportionment: Working Towards Equal Rights in Connecticut: towns rights, voter enfranchisement, civic programs, 20th century
From Citizen Legislator to Legislative Modernization: amateur governance, professional governance, accountability, legislative management, reform
From Big Bosses to Responsible Party Government: accountability, voter enfranchisement, equal representation, re-apportionment, 20th century
Revolutionizing Government: Moving Towards a Constitutional Convention: 20th century, re-apportionment, voter enfranchisement, equal representation
How the Conservative Movement Arose in Connecticut: Young Americans for Freedom, Ronald Regan, National Review, ethnic groups, religion, blue collar workers, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley
A Connecticut Abortion in 1742: taking the trade, surgical abortion, quickening doctrine, women’s health, abortion law
Abortion: Legal, Illegal, Legal: taking the trade, quickening doctrine, women’s health, contraception, politics, medical regulation
Connecticut Outlaws Contraception: Comstock Act, social purity movement, 20th century
Town Sovereignty: Royal Charter 1662, general assembly, fundamental orders, autonomy, civic programs, 20th century
Is Town Sovereignty a Myth?: fundamental orders, Connecticut Compromise, autonomy, re-apportionment, 20th century
Political Repression: Cold War, Communism, discrimination, House Committee on Unamerican Activities, civil liberties
Connecticut Identity
The Yankee Character: ethics, attitude, manufacturing, economy
Mark Twain in Hartford: economy attitude, insurance, social practices, character
Connecticut’s Regions: identity, economics, culture, geography, politics
Connecticut: Diversity and Identity: economics, geography, culture, politics, civic responsibility
Fairfield County: Part of Connecticut?: geography, economy, stereotypes, mobility
Puritan vs. Yankee: community, industrialization, collectivism, individualism, mutual aid, public policy
East is East and West is West: religion, settlement, economy, industry, geography
Is There a “Their” There?: identity, new federalism, civic responsibility, public policy